Welcome to Eccodet
We produce high quality detergents and industrial maintenance products and operate in most of the national territory, as well as some foreign countries, through consolidated distributors in various sectors. We manufacture detergents customised for the following sectors: HORECA, industry, washing of transportation fleets and vehicles in general, nautical, aeronautics, specialised treatments of surfaces, real estate maintenance and many more products; for groups of companies and other industries. We make DIFFERENT and innovative products, employing our R & D resources readily. We develop efficient and high performance products in accordance with strict quality standards, collaborating with the best suppliers in the chemical sector all over the world. We have a professional and specialised team and we observe a strict distribution policy – our clients are part of our company, but all of it:

Manufacturers since 1994
Our desire to continuously improve our product and our extensive experience in the sector enable us to manufacture a range of products which are adapted to all types of professional sectors.

Lo que nuestros clientes opinan

“Un servicio fantástico”

“Grandes profesionales”

“Productos de primera calidad”

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